Each bloom reveals a distinctive dark eye and prominent stamens, amongst petals in shades of pink which range from very dark, through to salmon and apricot. Excellent disease resistance.
Type: Shrub
Fragrance: Light
Flowering: Repeat Flowering
Position: Boarder (Middle) / Suitable for pots
Soil: Broad Tolerance
Flowering Period: June - September
Height: 90cm
Group/Species: Floribunda Rose
Common name: Rose
Moisture: Moist but Well-drained
Aspect: Full Sun
Spread: 90cm
Awards: Rose of the year 2015
Rosa 'For Your Eyes Only' bare root
End of Season SALE 50% off
These are roses dug up in the dormant season (November-March). They will arrive tied together in a bag. If conditions are unsuitable for planting immediately e.g. frosty or very wet then they can be left unopened in a cool and dry location such as a shed, for up to 1 week. If you are ready to plant open the bag and soak it in a bucket of water for several hours (minimum 2 hours). Dig a hole large enough to accommodate the roots without cramping. Mix in a good handful of bone meal or rose fertilizer with the excavated soil. Spread the roots out in the hole and gradually replace the soil firming well so the union (where the roots meet the shoots) is 3-4 cm below soil level. Water well.